
Genre: text-adventure with illustrations and command management
Platform: ZX-Spectrum
Year: 1998
Image for emulators Spectrum-ZX: MIRROR.TRD (zip)

Dark rainy morning met an army of people still in the middle of a wide field. People faced a decisive battle with the fierce and formidable opponent. Hordes of Orcs and Goblins led by the Knight of Darkness and his Black Mage attacked the country.

– Come on, my faithful servants! I wish was dead, anyone who dared to rise up against me!

And a bloody battle erupted. Many hours went on a brutal massacre. All the forces were thrown into the fight.But too few people had an army. It was close to the victory of the dark forces.

And then the people decided to resort to the last resort – a magic mirror. The price of the energy of many soldiers from the mirror was summoned Demon War. As Demon tornado swept over the battlefield, crushing the evil warriors. He was defeated Knight of Darkness.

And the last enemy destroyed. Many valiant warriors were killed in this battle. They fell, maintaining peace and freedom alive.

But the black magician managed to escape from the battlefield.

It took two centuries, and the Magician returned. Calling himself the Dark Lord, he assembled a huge hordes of goblins and orcs. Dark forces quickly captured the country, and people were not able to resist them.

* * *

… The cold stone walls. Wind Shear burned body …

… A bright torch light, swipe right-to-face, blinded me. From somewhere far away before I heard snatches of speech. Screaming, apparently demanding something …

I could not catch the thread of events, and it is confusing.

… Two goblins grabbed me by the arm and dragged him through the long cold corridors …

Voices and footsteps slowly subsided, dissolving into darkness.

I opened my eyes. Thank the heavens – it was just a dream. But the terrible reality seemed a continuation of nightmares.

I lay chained to a rough stone wall. Camera Raw drowned in the twilight of the night. Ghost light pouring in a little window, snatched from the darkness of the dark silhouette of the door.

Stretching his numb hands, I pulled standing beside his plate and tried to remember how I got here. Strange, but the past was a complete mystery to me.

The game screen is divided into two equal parts. The top takes a picture illustrating the game events. The bottom is reserved for the text and character control system.

Office of the hero is carried out using the menu at the bottom right corner of the screen.

Control menu consists of ten points:

  1. Go – When you select this option, a list of areas in which the hero can move.
  2. Rest – will help to restore the lost vitality, but the rest should be cautious.
  3. With a … – allows to inspect objects carried by.
  4. Inspect – to explore other objects.
  5. Use – to achieve the goal hero of the game will have to work with the surrounding objects. To do this, you need to specify how (first menu), the subject must act on what (second menu) item. To use the object itself, it must be selected twice.
  6. Take – if possible, take the object in character.
  7. Quit – extra objects can leave.
  8. Speaking – some characters hero can talk. At the same time you are given the option to choose various options for replicas pressing the key.
  9. Give – here you have to decide which (first menu), subject to the best of you, you have to give it to someone (second menu).
  10. The game … – submenu service teams, allowing the game to start again, save the current game state, to restore a previously recorded game, turn on / off music, leave the game.

In the upper right corner of the interface is a window of basic parameters of the hero. With it, you can monitor the status of a hero and to act in accordance with it. The window includes three parameters:

  1. Health – shows the overall physical condition of the hero.
  2. Load – total weight carried by the objects.
  3. Level – the overall progress of the game.

We hope that the game will appeal to you and you will spend her many pleasant hours.